Category: General Dentistry

Top Questions to Ask Your Dentist

dental questions

A good dentist-patient relationship is founded in part on trust and communication. And while many patients are good at listening to what their dentist tells them, there are many who also don’t feel as empowered to ask questions proactively. In reality, asking questions of your dentist is important in both keeping you informed and in… Read more »

Recognizing the Symptoms of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Impacted Wisdom Tooth

Impacted wisdom teeth can cause significant discomfort and lead to more serious dental issues if not addressed promptly. Understanding the symptoms of impacted wisdom teeth is crucial for seeking timely treatment and maintaining oral health. At Plage Dentistry in Wilmington, NC, we are here to help you identify and treat these symptoms effectively. Common Symptoms… Read more »

Dental Caries and How They Affect Your Health

dental caries

Dental caries is the more formal term for dental cavities. We’ve all been warned about cavities since childhood as part of our oral health education–it’s how we traditionally teach children about the importance of brushing and flossing and overall dental hygiene. However, as an adult you may have a few remaining questions, like what are… Read more »

Prevent Teeth Stain

teeth stain

A brilliantly white smile is one of life’s great joys–it lights up your face and the whole room around you. And while you likely do your best to take care of your teeth with a regular regime of brushing and flossing combined with visits to the dentist for an exam and cleaning, the fact is… Read more »

Straight Talk About Tooth Decay

Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is inherently an unpleasant subject. Our culture puts a lot of emphasis and value on a bright smile as an indicator of both attractiveness and health, and tooth decay is the antithesis of that! However, it’s an important subject–tooth decay is one of the most common diseases in the country, and understanding what… Read more »